Political compass values

1. Groups of people need hierarchy and clearly established leaders in order to function cohesively.

2. If the current governing system has proven itself to be generally competent at ensuring the wellbeing of its citizens: all of its laws should be followed to preserve social stability, including ones that seem arbitrary or that one might disagree with.

3. Society is at its most admirable when businesses, schools, and public institutions follow a culture of perfectionism: prioritizing the enforcement of deadlines, punctuality, quality control, and commitment to longterm planning over more flexible or lax systems.

4. It is distasteful for a citizen to publicly question the technical knowledge of scientists, the bravery of veterans, the generosity of philanthropists, or the work ethic of manual laborers without themselves having achieved similar feats.

5. Children should be obedient to their parents, who are trusted with having the final say in any decision relating to them.

6. Discipline through punishment/retribution is an essential component of justice and ensuring the proper functioning of society.

7. No matter what is at stake: it is never acceptable to negotiate with terrorists.

8. People should be rewarded proportional to how hard they work and/or how much they contribute, with little being given to those who are fully capable of work and refuse the opportunity to do so.

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